I was pleased to see that Xerces developer Tinny Ng added this to the XMLString class and went a step further to null the string pointer ( see Resources). 我高兴地看到Xerces开发者TinnyNg将它添加到了XMLString类中,并更进一步设字符串指针为null(见参考资料)。
You can think of the format string as a pointer into the SDO repository. 可以将格式字符串看作指向SDO资源库的指针。
When a long string variable is assigned a string constant, the string pointer is assigned the address of the memory block generated for the string constant. 当一个串变量被赋予一个串常量时,串指针被赋予串常量内存块的地址。
There are two rules for traversing through a DBCS string using a pointer. 这里有使用指针遍历DBCS字符串时的两条规则。
Attempt to set the string resource pointer more than once. For security reasons this is only allowed to be set once per process request. 试图不止一次设置字符串资源指针。出于安全考虑,每个处理请求只能设置一次该指针。
The right-hand expression of a range clause must be an array, slice, string or map, or a pointer to an array; or it may be a channel. range语句右边的表达式必须是array,slice,string或者map,或是指向array的指针,也可以是channel。
We now know that this represents a function pointer type that can refer to any method taking a single int argument and returning a string. 我们现在知道了这是一个函数指针类型,它可以引用任何有一个int类型参数并且返回一个string类型的方法。
BMI-1 algorithm essentially improves the pre-process of BM, which manages to increase the distance of text string pointer shifts to the right, and reduce the number of shifts. With the same purpose, BMI-2 algorithm improves both the pre-process and the matching-process at the same time. BMI-1算法本质上其实是改进了BM算法的预处理过程,设法增大文本串指针的右移量,减少其移动次数,本着同样的目的,BMI-2算法对预处理过程和匹配过程同时进行了改进。